Benefit to Industries (Economics of SharperSun) : Quick Payback

SharperSun gives a payback of less than 3 years based upon the fuel replaced. Furnace Oil which is most commonly used can be replaced with SharperSun with a less than 2 year payback. SharperSun uses one of the most efficient concentrating solar thermal power technology. It offers by far the fastest payback and cleanest environmental profile available to commercial and industrial customers. Due to its simpler, less maintenance modular design as well as indigenously developed certain components, highly compact imported scalable mirror film, the product has been priced payback to give a less than 4 year payback.

Carbon Emissions Reduction

Each 100KWth block eliminates 67 Tonnes of CO2 from air.

Goverment Incentives

  • Rs 15Lakh for demo projects by MNRE and UNDP for promotion of CST.
  • Additional higher level of grant is expected to come for larger projects in 2014, for which policy being framed currently.
  • Apart from the above grant, the project would be eligible for 30% subsidy by MNRE.
  • and 80% accelerated depreciation.


  • Assistance for obtaining government subsidy and grants, where applicable.
  • Debt Financing available for select eligible projects.
  • Equity participation would be considered on a case-by-case basis.